8/2 Worship Service Replay

If you missed SPECOC live this morning (Sunday, 8/2), you can replay the worship service below.

How can I give my Offering?

Thank you for the offering you provided last week!

The church cannot function effectively without your dedication to the causes of Christ and your financial support.  We sincerely ask that all members continue to provide offerings in one of three ways each week:

Option 1

Option 2

Mail your offering to the PO Box of the church.

South Parkway East Church of Christ

P.O. Box 140093

Memphis, TN 38114 

Note: Please only mail offerings to the church’s PO Box listed above.

Option 3

Drop-off your offering at church; please put your offering in the mail slot at the front door. It will be picked up.


8/5 Wednesday: Night of Prayer and A Word (via Zoom)


Join Us for Worship on Sunday 8/2